Graphic Design

We are a one stop shop for all types of promotional design. We can start from the logo and work out to business cards, signs, ads, brochures, menus, flyers and any other use you can think of! We have even done a truck design!

Nick is a cartoon artist and specialises in hand drawn whimsical logos such as these:

Taqueria el Vecino logo
Restaurant logo; 2008
Carolyn's Cupcakes logo
Carolyn’s Cupcakes & More; 2010

Taqueria El Vecino lighted sign:

TEV Outdoor Sign

Speak Easy Supper Club logo, hand drawn w/ text:

Speak Easy Web Badge 2019
Speak Easy Print logo 2019

My Etsy shop company logo:

Boneless Cat Designs; 2011

But we also do photo realistic, abstract and text only like these:

WolfBrook Dog Club
WolfBrook Dog Club; 2000
Dombrowski & Assoc.
Dombrowski Metal Stamping; 2007
Restaurant Operations Advisors
Restaurant Operations Advisors

Our Drink & Draw logo:

Drink & Draw Logo; 2013

Our Arcade Company logo:

Player One Arcade Services logo
Player One Arcade Services logo

Athena Farms Logo Refresh:

We clean up and freshen logos like this one that had been created in an old program. The “Athena” text was not aligned and the “Farms” text was an afterthought. We reworked the logo like this:


Athena Farms original
Athena Farms original logo


Athena Farms reworked
Athena Farms logo reworked

We also did their delivery trucks:

Athena Truck Art

Skate Country Logo Refresh:



With colours